Seeing God Everywhere

WOW! Is our church beautiful…or what?! Particularly when it’s enhanced by the intentional beauty of God’s creation. Appreciating the beauty God purposely designed into creation helps us understand the Presence of God EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. But that should come as no surprise, because God has told us his name is I AM. Please think about that and let it sink in. In a recent sermon I expressed the reality of God’s Presence with these questions and answers.

  1. What is God’s name? Answer: I AM.

  2. Where is I AM? Answer: RIGHT HERE.

  3. When is I AM right here? Answer: RIGHT NOW.

    There’s a famous little book called The Practice of the Presence of God, a collection of teachings by a 17th century monk we know as Brother Lawrence. People learn and follow Brother Lawrence’s teachings to experience a greater appreciation of God’s Presence all the time.

    I suggest you keep those 3 questions and answers in mind. The more you can be aware of those 3 little questions and answers, the more you will move from “practicing” God’s Presence to actually LIVING God’s Presence.

    And then, by the way, when you pray for somebody, you can pray knowing that the God who is I AM, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW with you is also I AM, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW with the person you’re praying for. Realizing this may give a whole new awareness and energy to your prayer life. Try it.


For a Change


Seasons Change…Whether We Like It or Not